All about the returns of residential complexes in Turkey
Residential complexes in Turkey What are the advantages and services resulting from paying fees for housing within them?? Where does the revenue go? The answer is here..

- Wednesday 22nd June 2022 07:48 PM
- Last update: Wednesday 22nd June 2022 07:48 PM
The pace of building residential complexes in Turkey, which contains a distinctive service and social environment that positively affects the rate of turnout, is accelerating. Today, most foreigners and investors tend to buy real estate in Turkey, but what about the cost of living in the residential complexes? In this article we will highlight the returns of the complexes as well as some details related to it.
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About residential complexes in Turkey:
First, we have to agree that residential complexes are one of the types of real estate in Turkey and we find that they consist of a group of apartments surrounded by a fence and have security and guarding gates around the clock, and they also provide distinctive services to its residents, which made them attractive to many investors, foreigners and entrepreneurs.
returns from residential complexes in Turkey:
Because of the many recreational services provided by the residential complexes to their residents, it was necessary to determine the returns resulting from it, but what is meant by the word "returns"? It is the money received from tenants and owners in the residential complexes to cover the money spent by those responsible for providing various services.
In the context of our talk about the cost of living in the residential complexes, we must point out that they are not fixed or unified over all the apartments in the complexes, and the amount is determined according to the quality of the services available which means that when you live in the a complex with developed infrastructure, the costs will rise and so on.
Where do residential complex returns go??
Many investors are curious to know who is responsible for receiving the returns in the residential complexes and who is responsible for managing the complex, which solves any problem that may face the residents, controls every thing and follows up on all details, and the proceeds are distributed as follows:
The staff receives 50% of the costs of the residential complexes.
Benefits for which the returns on residential complexes are paid:
What drives foreigners and investors to buy an apartment in one of the residential complexes located in Turkey are the benefits and recreational services they will enjoy, which are:
1.Calm and privacy:
The various foreigners and entrepreneurs avoid living in crowded and noisy places, which makes many of them tend to buy an apartment within the residential complexes that provide you with a quantity of calm, comfort and maintaining privacy as a result of the lack of a large number of people residing in the complex, and the existence of fences that prevent one from entering before taking permission from the residents, and this may not exist in other types of real estate in Turkey, which contributed to the excellence of the residential complexes.
2. security and safety:
The single complex contains many guards, and you find them at the gate, and they are keen not to admit strangers except after obtaining the approval of the visit from the owner of the apartment or the tenant residing in it, and you find all the wanderers in the residential complex residing in it only.
Not only that, but the apartment complex has plenty of surveillance cameras that run day and night without stopping.
3-Miscellaneous services:
When you live in one of the residential complexes, you will not have to go elsewhere to bring your needs and supplies, as it provides you with all the services, goods and products of international and local brands, and this will suit many families and students.
4-Recreational places:
One of the most distinctive things about residential complexes in Turkey is that they provide you with a place to live and stay and places and entertainment services at the same time, which makes it unnecessary to leave the complex, and among the entertainment services you provide (gymnasiums, Turkish bath and sauna, gardens and large green areas, private swimming pools, luxury restaurants, high-end cafes, football, basketball or tennis courts for children and adults, electric elevators, walkways and cycling, in addition to rooms for guests to stay in).
5- Garages for cars:
One of the biggest problems faced by some residents is the difficulty of finding a place to park their cars, but this is considered a solution in the residential complexes that provide garages for cars with very large and sufficient spaces.
Residential complexes are naturally concentrated within luxury areas and cities that have an integrated network of transportation, which may make it easier for you to move out of your complex.
7- Excellent engineering design:
The building of residential complexes is characterized by the great engineering interest in the design of exterior and interior structures of buildings and apartments, most of which are built with the finest building materials, the best quality and best features such as their ability to resist earthquakes, soundproofing, heat resistance and climate changes, in addition to excellent interior finishes, modern decorations and the distribution of carefully studied rooms.
8- View of the residential complex:
Residential complexes in Turkey are known to enjoy stunning views of either the sea or the stunning landscapes of forests, mountains, hills and sometimes overlooking gardens and spacious green spaces.
9- distinguished location:
What gives a high value to residential complexes is that they are most often located in high-end cities that contain strong infrastructure and the latest means of transportation such as the metro, tramway and metro lines, as well as hospitals, schools and universities, both public and private. The most important of these cities are:
City of Istanbul
Istanbul is one of the most famous Turkish cities, mixing between the eastern and western civilization as it is located on the continents of Asia and Europe, and its real estate combines between the authentic history and the prosperous future, not to mention its diversity, and one of the most important types of residential complexes spread on the sides of the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, which includes a huge number of various service facilities such as schools, universities, malls and the shopping centers.
_Ankara City:
Since the city of Ankara is the capital of the Turkish state, this entitles it to win the interest and attention of construction companies, we see at the moment beauty and creativity in its real estate, specifically the residential complexes that have become the focus of most investors, whether Arab or foreign, and the main reason for this is that this type of property provides you with a lot of entertainment services that are difficult to find in another type.
The talk about residential complexes located within the borders of the Turkish state does not end, as their multiple advantages give full comfort in housing and residence, and their revenues are not expensive, not to mention their status and good reputation in the real estate market in Turkey.
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